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In this section you will find all the information on related to the tarot of Marseille. The Tarot of Marseilles is the most famous and successful of tarot decks. This is a very special tarot which often has little to do with the hundreds of other tarot cards such as the Rider Waite or "Thoth Tarot" of Aleister Crowley. The Tarot of Marseilles Tarot is a perfect level esoteric and psychological, the symbolic view is extremely rich and includes infinitely many mystical traditions. Each symbol has a meaning and there is nothing that is left to chance. Unlike tarot and oracles who fancy a symbolic limited by consciousness and the psyche of the authors, the tarot of Marseille seems timeless, everlasting, and carries a universal message.

Interprétation des cartes:

Interprétations et significations des cartes du Tarot de Marseille

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